On Monday 15 April 2018, the Ville de Luxembourg announced that the Cinémathèquest - on Luxembourg city's Place du Theatre - will re-open its doors this coming Friday 20 April, with its first screening at 18:30.
The cinema was closed on 20 March following the detection of small insects in some parts of the screening room, whereupon the Cinémathèque closed its doors to allow complete sanitation. The entire screening room was then subjected to a heat treatment (dry heat of 60C), an effective process ensuring the complete elimination of bugs in all stages of development, without the use of insecticide. A sniffer dog control specialised in the detection of such insects confirmed the success of the sanitation exercise.
The Cinémathèque will resume its projections as planned according to the monthly programme for April, with "One, Two, Three" (USA 1961, Billy Wilder) at 18:30 and "To Be or Not to Be" (USA 1942, Ernst Lubitsch) at 20:30 on Fridasy. Certain screenings will be reprogrammed as far as possible and announced on www.cinematheque.lu shortly.