SWEBELUX-NOBELUX, the Swedish and Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and in Luxembourg, has announced that it is organising a webinar on "Nordic and Luxembourg SDGs: Approaches and Ambitions" on Thursday 21 January 2021, from 14:00 to 16:00.
14:00 Welcome & Introduction by Mathilde Hildenfeldt, MD, NOBELUX Chamber of Commerce, Anninka Hahn-Englund, Ambassador of Sweden to Belgium and Luxembourg, and Judith Bogner, independent journalist and former Bloomberg anchor
14:15 Private-public partnerships for sustainability: The key role of the public authorities in achieving the SGDs in partnership with the private sector. How can such partnerships concretely accelerate climate action?
Moderator: Judith Bogner
Keynote speakers: Eva Svedling, State Secretary, Sweden's Ministry of the Environment and Climate; Carole Dieschbourg, Luxembourg's Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
14:45 Panel 1 - Circular economy: Our planet is under pressure - could circular consumption be the solution? CEO’s ambitions and concrete actions to reach the SDGs.
Moderator: Judith Bogner
Panellists: Kristin Skogen Lund, CEO of Schibsted, Norway; Romain Poulles, CEO of ProGroup, Luxembourg; Ola Lowden, CEO of Omocom, Sweden
15:25 Panel 2 - Sustainable finance: Can Sustainable Finance combat climate change? What are the key challenges to achieve these global goals and how can they be addressed? CEO’s ambitions and concrete actions to reach the SDGs.
Moderator: Judith Bogner
Panellists: Árni Oddur Þórðarsson, CEO of Marel, Iceland; Christopher Hurst, Director General of European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg; Julie Becker, Deputy CEO of Luxembourg Stock Exchange
16:00 Wrap up by Judith Bogner
Those wishing to join this online event should register via email by 19 January 2021: