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Throughout 2024, published approximately 4,850 news articles covering a range of topics across six main categories: International, Luxembourg, Living in Luxembourg, Business, Working in Luxembourg, Culture and Sport, as well as and opinion pieces which addressed destination reports, etc.

Looking through the statistics of the most-read articles to determine those topics which were of most interest to our readers, it is interesting to see that, while there are a few one-off articles (such as the Superbowl winners in February, a corporate award, a new destination for Luxair in April, a new fast food brand opening, and a pandemic casualty) most of the rest in the Top 20 can be grouped into energy, environment, solidarity with Ukraine, and education/training.'s Top 20 of 2024:

- Encevo Posts €171m Net Profit for 2023 (published 17 May)
- CFL Signs Agreement with Enovos for Regional Green Electricity Purchase (27 January)
- Streff, Luxport Rewarded for CO2 Emission Reduction Achievements at Lean & Green Awards (1 February)
- Enovos Donates €5k to UNICEF Luxembourg (6 February)
- Niederanven Sets Sights on Wind Farm (4 November)
- Prince Guillaume, Minister Bettel Celebrate Award-Winning Company Redwire (26 April)
- C4L Lean & Green Awards Ceremony Announced (18 January)
- Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Round Table Event (5 January)
- Vakanz Holiday Fair Permanent Victim of Pandemic (16 January)
- 1st Luxembourg KFC Restaurant to Open in Belval Plaza (25 January)
- 7 Luxembourg Establishments Newly Awarded EcoLabel, Bed+Bike Label (3 February)
- Nordenergie Wind Farm Inaugurated (21 September)
- 89 Teenagers' Micro-Enterprises at Belle Etoile this Friday, Saturday (27 February)
- NFL: Chiefs Beat Niners in Sin City Super Bowl Overtime Thriller (12 February)
- 8k Enrol to Learn Languages at INLL (24 February)
- 2,000 People Join in LUkraine Solidarity March on 2nd Anniversary of Russian Invasion (24 February)
- Details Unveiled for Saturday's Solidarity March, "Ukraine’s Fight - Europe’s Future" (21 February)
- LUkraine President Recalls Importance of Ukraine's Fight for Europe's Future as War Anniversary Approaches (12 February)
- 50% of Adults in Luxembourg Engage in Lifelong Learning (9 January)
- Luxair Launches 1st Flight from Luxembourg to Manchester (17 April)