Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg is organising a "Joint Sale of Micro-Enterprises" on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 March 2024 at the Belle-Etoile Shopping Centre in Bertrange, from 15:00 - 19:00 on Friday and from 09:00 - 19:00 on Saturday.
Joint sales allow micro-enterprises to put into practice their ideas and their best sales techniques, in order to attract customers passing through La Belle-Etoile and make them want to buy their products and services.
This year, a total of 89 micro-enterprises (almost 450 students) will have a stand in the shopping centre. Shoppers can can enjoy delicious hamburgers, discover cute children's books and buy games, fashionable accessories and much more.
The micro-enterprise programme offers students aged 16-19 the opportunity to learn how to take a business idea from concept to reality. For further information, see https://jonk-entrepreneuren.lu/fr/program/les-mini-entreprises/?tab=all.
During the 2-day initiative, the JEL Alumni will choose the best stand: this prize rewards the creativity and energy that the micro-entrepreneurs put into decorating their stand and their sales technique. In addition, the Public Choice Award allows members of the public (shoppers) to select their favourite micro-business), and will have a chance to win a prize too.
The initiative is expected to attract the presence of a couple of government ministers.
To see details of the micro-enterprises, see https://minientreprises.lu/nos-mini-entreprises/