The Positive Psychology Association of Luxembourg (PPL) has announced that it is launching a free 15-hour programme for parents, in English and French.
PPL, a non-profit organisation which strives to make positive psychology accessible to a wider public in Luxembourg and the Greater Region, is launching the programme "Resilience and well-being for parents". The project is subsidised by the Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte, in the framework of helping children and their families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the launch of this new programme, PPL has four objectives:
- to help parents to learn and mindfully adopt activities, behaviors and attitudes that strengthen / recover their well-being, giving them the keys to reconnect or enhance their coping skills, resilience and maintain / recover mental balance;
- to provide a safe space for parents to self-care and learn how to improve their individual well-being and resilience, as well as skills to model resilience to their children;
- to provide access to an online forum with resources and exchanges with PPL trainers;
- to indirectly increase the well-being and resilience of children and others in the wider family system.
Moreover, parents who follow the 15-hour programme will have the possibility to be trained as facilitators and create communities that will support each other based on positive psychology.
"After more than a year and a half of pandemic, many parents are confronted with unforeseen worries, such as economic difficulties, work-life balance problems, new work methods, social isolation, relationship difficulties or changes in health regulations concerning their children", noted Dana Brandes, President of PPL. "So it is not surprising that many parents suffer from stress and their mental health is affected. Since parents play a critical role in their children's well-being, development and success, it is essential that they be given tools to maintain their wellbeing and strengthen their parenting skills. We believe that interventions and applications of positive psychology can have a significant, concrete and constructive impact in helping parents to regain their well-being and thus (re)create positive relationships with their children by helping them to develop resilience”.
The "Resilience and well-being for parents" programme is offered in French or English and is divided into five modules of three hours or ten modules of one and a half hour.
Four English-language groups are currently open for registration. For more information and registration, contact PPL via email: team@ppl.lu or visit https://www.ppl.lu/post/resilience-and-well-being-for-parents.