The Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg (IBCL) and The Art of Living have partnered to offer a special meditation event called ‘Discover your “IT”’ (Inner Technology), to take place on 14 July 2017 at the Centre Culturel de Merl, between 19:00 and 21:00.
The ICBL and The Art of Living have announced a unique meditation session with international yoga and meditation teacher Swami Jyothirmayah, visiting Luxembourg for the first time later this month.
The idea behind the Discover your “IT” event is that whilst technology allows us to be connected in almost every moment to the global world, it is important to take a break and find inner peace.
Daily life is full of stress and anxieties, which can be removed by meditation which in turn brings peace, freedom, intuition and an abundance of creativity.
The two-hour session offers participants a chance to learn how to "Disconnect, to Reconnect" from within. Participants will learn ancient techniques to eliminate stress, reduce anxiety, improve focus and open the door to creativity with Swami Jyothirmayah.
The normal fee is €12 online / €15 at the gate. Special Fee for IBCL Members: €10 online and at the gate.
Registration should be completed at: http://mailchi.mp/ibcl/slow-down-meditation-mind-management-with-swami-joythirmayah-discover-your-it-inner-technology-luxembourg-14-16-july-2017?e=6bafe5b49d