Grevenmacher-based Logwin has announced that its recent Fitness Day was the start for further similar events; Logwin actively supports and encourages its employees with a range of offers on health and fitness. The spur to get involved often comes from the employees themselves.
Logwin has supported teams in the past to participate in sporting events, e.g. the amateur cycle race around the Finanzplatz Eschborn-Frankfurt, and has for several years been the main sponsor of the Aschaffenburger Hypo running event.
Being active makes things happen. The logistics service provider Logwin believes in this and supports its employees in actively promoting their health and physical fitness. Logwin employees from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland were therefore invited to a Fitness Day. On 10 September, participants from all sectors of the company arrived at Logwin's head office in Aschaffenburg to have their personal fitness analysed by experts from the Hubert-Schwarz team and to receive professional tips on running and nutrition.
"People who eat healthily, take regular exercise and keep an eye on their fitness find it easier to cope with the demands of work and daily life. Training together also reinforces team spirit and a sense of belonging and helps motivation beyond just doing sports", said Axel Steiner, responsible for Logwin's personnel department, explaining the idea behind the event. For employees looking for a special challenge, Logwin is also offering an opportunity to apply what they've learned and to test their fitness gains by participating in the Berlin-Marathon 2017.
Commitment and team spirit are not the only important requirements to overcome the 42.195 km – fitness is also required. Therefore, at the start of the Fitness Day, blood checks and anthropometric data were taken as the basis for making recommendations about training. After a joint breakfast, valuable information on health, exercise, and nutrition was provided in motivational speeches. The focus was on giving employees targeted, practical and effective advice on their personal fitness and to enable them to apply it not only in their routine work but also privately.
In the afternoon, participants received real-time feedback, based on fitness-level checks, from a running coach. The coach encouraged, corrected and gave important tips on preparing for a run. This laid the basis for further individual training. A new analysis of all the relevant parameters will be performed in a few months to enable training modifications to be made if necessary. All runners may also get professional coaching from the Hubert-Schwarz team up to the date of the marathon in September 2017.