The Association of British and Irish Accountants in Luxembourg (ABIAL) has announced that it is organising its Networking and Tax Update Event at ATOZ in Senningerberg (1B Heienhaff, L-1736) on Tuesday 5 November 2024, from 18:30.
This event will present upcoming tax law changes and their impact on Luxembourg businesses and individuals.
The topics which will be covered are:
- recent draft laws on corporate and personal income tax measures, including on (i) minimum net wealth tax, changes to the participation exemption and share class redemptions, and (ii) new tax package aiming at strengthening Luxembourg’s attractiveness and titled "Relief Package. Unity. Future. For Everyone";
- overview of selected recent case law on direct tax matters;
- recent developments from a VAT perspective.
Christina Leomy-Voigt and Thibaut Boulange from ATOZ will jointly present the event.
18:30-19:00: Registration and welcome drinks
19:00-20:00: Presentation
From 20:00: Drinks and nibbles
Tickets cost €15 per person for members and guests, payable in advance via bank transfer to ABIAL IBAN LU56 0024 1398 5698 8300.
To register, visit