Luxembourg's food safety authorities have announced the recall of two Vivre Vert Brand Cheese products due to the presence of the "soya" allergen not mentioned on the label.

The following product has been recalled in Luxembourg:

Vivre Vert Brand "Rapé fin & fondant", 150g, with the expiry dates 27/01/2022, 17/02/2022, 28/02/2022, 08/03/2022 and 18/03/2022, and lot numbers 220127, 220217, 2021112201, 2021112901 and 2021120901.

Vivre Vert Brand "Tranches ultra-fondantes", 240g, with the expiry dates 01/02/2022, 02/02/2022, 19/02/2022, 26/02/2022, 14/03/2022, 19/03/2022 and 29/03/2022, and lot numbers 5133, 5150, 8279, 9056, 9837, 646 and 1464.

People who are not allergic or intolerant to "soya" are not affected by the recall and can consume the product without restriction.