Credit: Naturpark Öewersauer

On 23 November 2021, the Upper Sûre Nature Park (Naturpark Öewersauer), the grain cooperative "Kären vum Séi" and the bakery "Jos & Jean-Marie - Gebäck vum Séi", announced that four new products from "Käer vum Séi" will be available on the market.

The grains used to make the flour for these products are grown in the region of the Upper Sûre Nature Park under strict load handling. Thus, for example, only a greatly reduced nitrogen fertilisation takes place under the use of precise technique. In addition, the agricultural consultants of the nature park are at all times available to the farmers of the cooperative.

The “Kären vum Séi” cooperative was officially founded on 9 February 2021. A total of nineteen farms have come together under the name “Käre vum Séi” to grow wheat, spelt and rye in the region of the Upper Sûre Nature Park under increased water protection standards. The cooperative has set itself the goal of protecting soil and water and marketing the grain independently.

In this way, the farmers take an active part in water protection in the reservoir region and also ensure fair payment. This is guaranteed by the bakery Jos & Jean-Marie. Jean-Marie Neuberg, one of the bakery's managing directors, has worked to ensure that farmers are paid fairly, thereby showing respect for agricultural work in the region. These products are symbolic of water protection in the reservoir region.

The cultivation areas of the nineteen farms of the grain cooperative “Käre vum Séi” are all within the member communities of the Upper Sûre Nature Park (Boulaide, Esch-Sauer, Stauseegemeinde, Wiltz and Winseler), the community of Goesdorf (candidate for accession to the Upper Sûre Nature Park) and the upper water catchment area.