(L-R) Luc Feller, formateur's assistant, and Luc Frieden (CSV), formateur of the next Luxembourg government, on Day 1 of coalition talks, 11 October 2023; Credit: © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen

On Thursday 12 October 2023, the Christian Social People's Party (CSV) and Democratic Party (DP) delegations met for a second day of coalition negotiations at Château de Senningen.
On this occasion, the delegations listened to reports from various experts on the situation of Luxembourg's public finances and the economic outlook.

The delegations had meetings with the following entities:

  • Luxembourg's Ministry of Finance and the Inspectorate of Finance (IGF): Nima Ahmadzadeh, IGF Director, and Bob Kieffer, Treasury Director;
  • STATEC (national statistics institute): Dr Serge Allegrezza, STATEC Director, and Tom Haas, modelling and forecasting at STATEC;
  • Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF; financial watchdog) and the Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA; insurance commission): Claude Marx, CSSF Director General, and Thierry Flamand, CAA President;
  • General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS) and the National Health Fund (CNS): Tom Dominique, IGSS Director, and Christian Oberlé, CNS President.

The following entities have been invited to the next plenary session on Friday 13 October 2023: the ADEM employment agency, the Luxembourg Red Cross and Caritas Luxembourg.

Meetings with the following entities are scheduled to take place on Monday 16 October 2023: the OGBL, LCGB and CGFP trade unions, the Luxembourg Employers' Association (UEL), Mouvement Écologique and the High Council for Sustainable Development (CSDD).