Guy Hoffmann, Chairman of Banque Raiffeisen's Board of Directors, IRU Chairman; Credit: Banque Raiffeisen

Guy Hoffmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Raiffeisen in Luxembourg, has been appointed Chairman of the International Raiffeisen Union (IRU).

At the IRU General Meeting in Bonn, Germany, held at the beginning of October 2023, Guy Hoffmann was unanimously elected Chairman of the IRU Board of Directors.

Guy Hoffmann has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Raiffeisen since November 2020.

As Banque Raiffeisen explained in a press release announcing this appointment, the aim of the IRU is to promote cooperation between cooperative organisations on a global scale. Founded in 1968 as an association registered in Bonn, the IRU embodies the principles and legacy of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, the pioneer of the cooperative movement. With 50 members in some 33 countries, the IRU helps promote and preserve those cooperative values. Its main member cooperatives in Western Europe come from the banking world.

The IRU is primarily dedicated to improving the cooperative regulatory framework worldwide, elaborated Banque Raiffeisen. Whilst the IRU's work is based on the principles of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, the IRU has recognised the need to adapt those principles to current market developments. According to Banque Raiffeisen, this means remaining flexible while retaining the fundamental values which guide cooperatives.