The Union Luxembourgeoise de Patinage de Vitesse (ULPV) has reported that two skaters from Luxembourg skated in Belfort, France for the ninth Trophée du Grand Lion.
Sidoine Conesa skated in Men Junior C and ranked 10th in the overall ranking. Marco Kiesgen skated in Open Masters and secured the 9th spot in the overall ranking. These were both skaters’ personal records. Marco Kiesgen came 3rd in the Men Master. Sidoine Conesa’s skating time in the 1000m race allowed him to skate during the upcoming Starclass competitions.
On Sunday 5 November 2023, the annual Halloween Cup will take place at Kockelscheuer. The race is set during training hours but participants should be there at 14:45 at the latest, ULPV recalled. All skaters are welcome to participate.
ULPV also noted that the skater Peter Murphy will skate in the ISU World Cup 1 and 2 in Montreal, Canada, the upcoming weekend and the weekend after.