According to the latest figures from the Luxembourg Ministry of Justice and STATEC, 367 companies were declared bankrupt and 22 were liquidated during the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2024.
In 2024, 1,189 bankruptcies were recorded, which corresponds to an increase of almost 30% compared to 2023 (919 bankruptcies). Compared to 2023, the number of bankruptcies of companies with salaried employment (>0) is up by more than 26%, while that of companies which employed more than ten employees at the time of their bankruptcy was noticeably greater (+40%).
With regard to the different branches of activity (excluding holding companies and investment funds), contrasting developments can be noted. The highest increase in the number of bankruptcies in 2024 was observed in the sectors of education, health and other activities (+65%), information and communication (+50%), and amongst real estate activities (+49%). Whereas the number of bankruptcies in transport and storage fell by 25%, while it remains roughly stable for sectors involving trade.
Based on provisional data, as the data on salaried employment is yet to be completed for the last quarter of 2024, the 3,316 job losses caused by bankruptcies in 2024 mark a sharp increase compared to 2023 (+24%). The sectors most affected by the disappearance of salaried jobs in 2024 are construction, Horeca and trade (with total losses of 39%, 17% and 14%, respectively).
In terms of absolute numbers, holding companies and investment funds recorded the most bankruptcy declarations in 2024 (143), followed by construction companies (42).
The Luxembourg courts recorded the liquidation of 104 companies in 2024, a decrease of 80% compared to 2023 (520), with a sharp drop in the number of judicial liquidations from the second quarter of 2023 onwards. As in previous years, the largest number of companies liquidated in 2024 are holding companies and investment funds (46%).
Full details of the bankruptcies and liquidations can be found at: https://statistiques.public.lu/fr/actualites/2025/stn04-25-faillites.html