Following highly acclaimed performances in October 2017, CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation is back in Luxembourg with three shows and a workshop, once again courtesy of the New World Theatre Club (NWTC).
The opening performance on Thursday evening at the Centre Culturel Altrimenti stayed true to the production's tagline "No one knows who the killer is: not even the cast", with the audience getting to decide everything from the name and profession of the murder victim, the murder weapon and, ultimately, "whodunnit". It was then up to the cast to use their quick wit and impressive improvisation skills to bring this tailor-made murder mystery to life. Indeed, what makes this show so unique is that the character and plot details change each time the cast performs it, all based on what the audience chooses at a given moment.
This time, it was Algenon Bob, a pet psychologist who died from a poisoned glass eye. The decision was made through active audience participation- the audience were named "Raybat(s)" on this occasion, based on what the cast heard when everyone shouted their names at the same time. One cast member then assumed the role of detective with the others being murder suspects. What followed was a hilarious murder mystery featuring on-point improv and acting skills. Even the cast were unsure of what and why they had said something at times, but they still made the dialogue fit neatly into the story.
The one-hour quick-witted performance ended all too soon with an audience vote deciding who was the killer. The cast then took the time to engage in dialogue with the audience members who stayed behind after the show.
The UK-based touring improv theatre company will be performing again on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 October 2019 at 20:00 at the Centre Culturel Altrimenti in Luxembourg City. They are also holding improvisation workshops on Saturday and Sunday in the Altrimenti and Beggen cultural centres respectively.
For further details and tickets (€18; NWTC members €16; students €12), contact NWTC via e-mail: or tel.: 356-339.