Dublin-based writer and comedian Anne Gildea will perform at the Altrimenti cultural centre in Luxembourg-Hollerich on Saturday 30 September 2023 at 20:00.
Anne Gildea is perhaps best known as a co-founder member of the critically acclaimed Irish musical-comedy trio The Nualas.
Anne was one of the first Irish female stand-up comics, having started out in London in the late 1980s. She went on to feature in many Irish TV comedy programmes. As a writer, she has published several books, the last of which, about her breast cancer treatment, inspired the feature film The Bright Side.
Now in her 50s, Anne's new solo show, How to Get The Menopause and Enjoy It, stems from her desire to talk on stage about all things womanly and middle-aged. The show (recommended for views aged 16+) has proved a hit with audiences and critics alike.
Tickets cost €25 and are available online at https://altrimenti.lu/activites/anne-gildea-stand-up/.