Luxembourg's Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte and the National Lottery (Loterie Nationale) have published their annual report for the year 2022.
The organisations described 2022 as a year filled with new challenges as well as "exciting" projects, novelties and events. For instance, after 25 years, Pierre Bley handed the baton of the presidency of the Board of Directors to Danièle Wagener in March 2022 and two new members joined the Board of the Œuvre: Anouk Wies and Roby Biwer.
The National Lottery ended the year 2022 with a turnover of €158.3 million, i.e. an increase of 24.7% compared to 2021. Players secured more than €94.7 million in winnings, representing an increase of 31.3%. Similarly, the National Lottery paid €12 million in commissions to its resellers, i.e. 28% more than in 2021.
These financial results allowed the Œuvre to allocate €23.1 million to its legal and recurring beneficiaries and to one-off assistance granted in 2022. The total amount of aid allocated by the Œuvre to beneficiaries in 2022 amounted to €23,072,207.57, which represents a decrease of 17.72% compared to the previous year. The Œuvre noted that the one-off assistance paid out in 2021 had been higher than normal, largely due to the exceptional and subsequent support in 2021 of many projects in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related call for projects "ACTiON Jeunes - bien vivre la pandémie".
In 2022, the total amount of aid allocated is expected to once again increase at a constant rate.
This amount breaks down as follows:
- legal contributions for a total of €13,059,454.89 (56.60% of the total amount) paid to the National Solidarity Fund (Fonds National de Solidarité; €8,706,303.26) and to the Social Welfare Offices (Offices Sociaux; €4,353,151.63);
- recurring aid for a total of €5,234,080 (22.69% of the total amount) allocated to seven beneficiary institutions as well as to the relief fund for Luxembourg victims of WWII (Fonds de secours des Luxembourgeois victimes de la guerre 1940-1945) and the relief fund for Luxembourgers in Brussels (Fonds de secours pour les Luxembourgeois à Bruxelles);
- one-off aid for a total of €4,778,672.68 (20.71% of the total amount), allocated to 133 projects (either submitted spontaneously by various players in the voluntary sector or as part of calls for one-off or recurring projects or initiatives of the Œuvre).
In addition to the respective balance sheets and financial figures of the Œuvre and the National Lottery, the annual report features the portraits of some of the beneficiaries supported in 2022.
The full annual report is available here.