Credit: Stëmm vun der Strooss

Stëmm vun der Strooss, a local non-profit organisation which supports homeless people and vulnerable members of society, has reported that POST Luxembourg recently donated €6,500 to the charity.

Towards the end of each year, POST Luxembourg underlines its social commitment by offering its employees the possibility to donate their end-of-year gift vouchers to a social organisation. In addition to the gift vouchers collected from employees at the end of 2022, POST also made a corporate donation.

On Monday 27 February 2023, Pierre Zimmer, Deputy Managing Director of POST Luxembourg. and Isabelle Faber, Director Human Resources, Public Relations & CSR at POST Luxembourg, handed a cheque for €6,500 to Alexandra Oxacelay, Director of Stëmm vun der Strooss, at an official donation ceremony in POST Luxembourg's headquarters.

Last year, Stëmm vun der Strooss managed to carry out some special activities using the gift vouchers from POST Luxembourg. For example, the beneficiaries of the social restaurant in Luxembourg-Hollerich were treated to an Easter meal and the vouchers also financed presents. Last Halloween, the Stëmm vun der Strooss team organised a make-up workshop and small activities and games. Food including dessert was available and non-alcoholic cocktails were served in the Saxo centre.

Similar activities will take place this year, as educator Jill Jucken explained: "The gift vouchers from POST Luxembourg allow us to give special moments to our beneficiaries. We can buy materials to decorate the restaurant, small gifts or even desserts. The theme days always put a smile on the guests' faces and we do our best every time to offer them something new."