Credit: Stëmm vun der Strooss

In collaboration with the Ikano Group in Luxembourg, Pizza Guy recently donated 300 pizzas to the clients of the social restaurant of Stëmm vun der Strooss in Luxembourg-Hollerich.

Stëmm vun der Strooss, a local non-profit organisation which supports homeless people and vulnerable members of society, runs two social restaurants, located in Luxembourg-Hollerich and in Esch-sur-Alzette. These restaurants are open to all segments of society and offer the less fortunate a chance to eat a balanced meal for a low price. The food is prepared by people seeking professional integration as part of the non-profit's "Caddy" project.

During his visit to the Hollerich social restaurant (7 Rue de la Fonderie) on 9 December 2021, Pizza Guy founder Guy Reding noted: "I was the first pizza food truck in the Grand Duchy and all my products are labelled Made in Luxembourg". Today, Pizza Guy also has a small restaurant in Junglinster.

For logistical reasons, the 300 pizzas were delivered in two rounds. "My worker and I started to prepare the pizzas in our new premises at 03:00. Since all the work is homemade, you have to get up early to be able to deliver on time", added Mr Reding.

This action was facilitated by Ikano Group. Last year, the same initiative took place under slightly different conditions: the clients had to queue in front of the social restaurant and were served directly from the foodtruck. This year, customers were able to enjoy their pizzas in the warmth of the social restaurant, without having to queue. Upon leaving, the customers received a small present from Santa Claus himself.

Despite the poor weather conditions, the customers seemed content. According to Charles Bechet, Hollerich site manager: "Their joy replaces all the sunshine and warms our hearts in the blink of an eye".