Xavier Bettel, Luxembourg's Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade, Minister for Development Cooperation & Humanitarian Affairs; Credit: MAE

As reported by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Luxembourg's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Xavier Bettel, has participated in several ministerial meetings during his visit to New York, where he is representing Luxembourg during the High-Level Week of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Most of these ministerial meetings have focused on ending hostilities in the Middle East and looking for a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Minister Bettel participated in the following meetings:

- a ministerial meeting between the Benelux countries and the Gulf Cooperation Council;

- a ministerial breakfast on the  United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) organised by the Permanent Mission of Luxembourg, with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini;

- a high-level event on UNRWA, with the participation of the UN Secretary-General, organised by Jordan and Sweden, and co-sponsored by Luxembourg;

- a ministerial meeting on "The Situation in Gaza and the Implementation of the Two-State solution as a Path to a Just and Comprehensive Peace";

- an event organised by the Global Centre for the R2P (Responsibility to Protect) and Luxembourg on the situation in Syria and in particular on the situation of the thousands of people still missing;

- an event co-organised with International IDEA (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), of which Luxembourg is chairing the Council in 2024, on Sustainable Development Goal 16 (peace and justice);

- an event organised by HanVoice and co-sponsored by Luxembourg on "Forget Me Not: Impacts of North Korean Human Rights Abuses on Families Worldwide";

- a ministerial meeting between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) countries.

During these meetings, Minister Bettel reiterated Luxembourg's position on the situation in the Middle East: the essential need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, respect for international humanitarian law, rapid and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to the civilian population of Gaza, support for UNRWA, the release of Israeli hostages, an end to illegal settlements in the West Bank, and the search for a lasting political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the two-state solution as the only basis for establishing a just and lasting peace.

Minister Bettel also commented on recent events in Lebanon, where there is a real risk of regional escalation. He condemned the recent bombings and explosions in Lebanon, which have cost the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians. The protection of civilian populations will always be Luxembourg's top priority, he said. The Minister noted that Luxembourg is calling on the Israeli government and Hezbollah to put an end to the escalation.

Minister Bettel also continued bilateral exchanges with several countries, including Kosovo, Benin, Malawi, Togo, Ivory Coast and Argentina, as well as with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the Foreign Minister of Lebanon.

At the invitation of US President Joe Biden, Minister Bettel also participated in a reception on the occasion of the 79th session of the UNGA.

He will conclude his working visit to New York with a speech at the general debate of the UNGA on Saturday 28 September 2024.