

Details: On Tuesday 5 July 2016, Inspiring More Sustainability (IMS) Luxembourg will be holding the 3rd edition of Speed Meeting Part&Act, to once again facilitate the exchange of skills, goods or services according to the participant's area of expertise.

Established in the Netherlands since 2000, the format follows that of Speed Dating, meaning that each participant is given a few minutes in which to present what they require from, and can provide to, the organisation or individual standing before them. The idea is to create a win-win platform based on the exchange of skills in the form of IT facilities, legal information, advice in communication; goods in terms of office equipment and leasing of any equipment; or services.

Last year's edition brought together 32 Luxembourg associations and 20 corporate members of IMS, which resulted in 82 partnership documents signed in just under two hours.

The programme will be as follows:

15:45 - Opening
16:00 - Welcome
16:15 - Official Launch
17:45 - Conclusion
18:00 - Cocktail

Participants are asked to register before 1 June 2016, describing what they would like to offer or receive, by clicking here.

Venue: Cercle Cité, 2 Rue Genistre, 1623 Luxembourg

Organiser: IMS / Part&Act

Price: n/a




Price: 0

Reservations: 0