
Details: Chinalux has announced that it is holding a Breakfast Seminar on Tuesday 5 July 2016 from 08:15 to 09:30 at the Brasserie Schumann (1 Rond-Point Schuman, L-2525 Luxembourg-Limpertsberg) on the topic of China's Economy.

The topic of the Breakfast will be timely, a week after the World Economic Forum Meetings in Tianjin: “The view of China after the summer World Economic Forum meetings in Tianjin: What’s the future for economic growth, investment and change?”

China bears have totally supplanted China bulls in the foreign media and commentary circuits, but what really are the factors we should think about as we assess President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang and their approach to great challenges and continued opportunities?

the main presentation will be delivered by David Schlesinger, Founder of Hong Kong-based Tripod Advisors & Chairman of the International Advisory Board of VitalBriefing, a Luxembourg-based global digital media company that creates business intelligence for the financial and other industries. David is one of the West’s leading analysts and observers of China. Formerly, he was Thomson Reuters Chairman in China and the global editor-in-chief of its news division, leading its 3.000 journalists around the world. This will be his second visit to Luxembourg, having been invited by Luxembourg for Finance to chair a panel at its 2015 Renminbi Forum.

After David’s presentation, the floor will be open for questions. The session will be moderated by David Schrieberg, Pulitzer prize winning CEO and co-founder of VitalBriefing.

Venue: Brasserie Schumann (1 Rond-Point Schuman, L-2525 Luxembourg-Limpertsberg)

Organiser: Chinalux

Price: The cost to attend is €20 for members and €30 for non-members.

Reservations: To reserve your place, see



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