On Monday 23 December 2024, Luxembourg's Ministry of Mobility and Public Works confirmed a temporary and targeted exemption from restrictions on heavy goods vehicle traffic to ensure continuity of supply chains.
Faced with the interruption of navigation on the Moselle caused by the accident that occurred on 8 December 2024 at the Müden lock in Germany, the Minister of Mobility and Public Works, Yuriko Backes, has adopted a ministerial regulation temporarily authorising the circulation of heavy goods vehicles on Sundays and public holidays, as well as the days before. This exemption only concerns vehicles involved in managing the consequences of the Müden lock accident.
This exceptional measure, in force for an initial period of three months, aims to compensate for the disruptions to the multimodal supply chains linking river and land transport. It will ensure the continuous supply of essential goods until the lock is repaired.
Minister Backes said: “This temporary exemption illustrates our commitment to supporting businesses and maintaining the fluidity of supply chains despite unforeseen challenges.”
The regulation will enter into force upon publication in the Official Journal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.