On Friday 13 December 2024, Luxembourg's Minister of Culture and Minister Delegate for Tourism, Eric Thill, inaugurated the thematic panels "Nothum 44/45" and attended the opening of the exhibition "80 years Battle of the Bulge on the territory of the municipality of Lac de la Haute-Sûre" in Nothum.
Both events were organised by the "Geschichtsfrënn Öewersauer", in cooperation with the Haute-Sûre Nature Park and the Municipality of Lac de la Haute-Sûre.
In the village of Nothum, during the fighting that lasted from 27 December 1944 to 9 January 1945, the German soldiers first took refuge in houses. Then, it was the turn of the American troops. The inhabitants suffered particularly from this situation.
The "Geschichtsfrënn Öewersauer" have created five historical panels, which retrace the fate of the soldiers and the population. The themes addressed along the trail are:
• the tragedy at the crossroads;
• the command centre in the "a Bats" farm;
• survival in the ruins;
• the battle of Nothum.
For further information, see https://www.naturpark-sure.lu/en/offer/memorial-trail-nothum-44-45/
The exhibition "80 years Battle of the Bulge on the territory of the municipality of Lac de la Haute-Sûre" can be visited in the barn "an Néckels" (13 Duerfstrooss, L-9678 Nothum).
Opening dates and times:
- Friday 20 December - Sunday 22 December
- Friday 27 December - Sunday 29 December
Fridays 17:00-20:00; Saturdays 14:00-17:00; Sundays 14:00-17:00