Credit: ALVA

The Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) has announced the recall of various products over the presence of Escherichia coli (E coli) bacteria.

The following products have been recalled from Auchan supermarkets in Luxembourg:

- Mussels ("Coques moyennes") sold at Auchan between 22 and 25 August 2023;

- Two types of Selles-sur-Cher AOP cheese (150 g) from the brand Fromagerie d'Anjouin, with the expiry date 10/10/2023 (for both) and respective barcodes 3301170007002 and 3301170070105. These products were sold at Auchan between 23 and 26 August 2023.

The sale of these products by other operators has not been excluded.

The presence of E coli was detected in the former (mussels). The food safety authority noted that an E coli infection can lead to food poisoning within a week after consumption, as well as gastrointestinal disorders often accompanied by cramps. These symptoms may be stronger among young children, the elderly and people with weaker immune systems.

The presence of the Shiga-toxin producing E coli (STEC) O103 and O26 was detected in the latter (cheese). ALVA noted that STEC O103:H2 and O26:H11 can cause haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, possibly accompanied by fever, in the week following consumption. This can be followed by severe renal complications in young children.

Anyone having consumed these products and displaying related symptoms is advised to inform and consult their GP.