Rev. Evelyn Sweerts was ordained a deacon in the Church of England at a service at the Pro-Cathedral, Brussels on Sunday 30 June 2019.
She will be the first curate to serve at the Anglican Church of Luxembourg where, as she trained, she was Lay Assistant. The Chaplain, Rev Geoff Read welcomed Evelyn’s ordination and stated "This is a wonderful opportunity for us as a church and for Evelyn, who brings many gifts and a rich experience to this role".
Festal Evensong and Te Deum for Grand Duc Henri
This year the Anglican Church of Luxembourg combine its Te Deum service with a Choir Festival for Anglican Churches in North West Europe. The service will feature traditional Anglican choral music and Evensong according to the Book of Common Prayer: Saturday 6 July at 16:30 at the Konvikt Chapel (5 avenue Marie-Thérèse, L-2132 Luxembourg-ville).