Tower Training has announced that the April 2016 Power Lunch is being held on Friday 15 April at 12:00 - 14:00 at the NH Hotel in Luxembourg-Findel, with David Holland talking about "The Power of Creativity".
The aim of the Power Lunch is to bring together members of the international business community in Luxembourg and to foster a network of business relationships of mutual interest whilst having the opportunity to increase your work related knowledge and skills.
From manufacturing to banking, hotels to financial services; innovation and creativity are critical to the success of any organisation…
Competitive advantage is increasingly dependent upon differentiation and innovation rather than price and predictability; so come along and learn a few tips from one of the Top Business Coaches, Authors and Speakers on Business Growth….
Based on his extensive research and 13 episode Documentary filmed in Silicon Valley, California, David will present the principles of Creativity and Innovation that will enable any business to become more relevant in their sector…
During the Presentation he will be covering;
• Why people avoid being Innovative and Creative…
• The Silicon Valley mind-set…
• Examples of Innovation at work…
• How to embrace Innovation…
• Generating new ideas in Business…
• Applying the Principles to your business..
As always, David’s presentation will be lively, informative and engaging…
The aim of The Power Lunch is to bring together members of the international business community in Luxembourg and to foster a network of business relationships of mutual interest whilst having the opportunity to increase your work related knowledge and skills.
Each session will give attendees the chance to meet with subject matter experts and discuss topics of interest that will help them to improve your own performance.
Buffet lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Cost €40. To register, see