The Ministry of the Family, Integration and the Greater Region is organising a series of conferences in May and June aimed at retirement. This cycle is made up of three conferences, each with a particular theme.
The transition from working life to retirement is an important moment in every person's life. The long-awaited retirement is a chance, but also a challenge. New opportunities, leisure time and volunteer involvement on the one hand, adjustment difficulties, possible loss of status and social relations, and risk of conjugal conflicts on the other.
Retirement can thus upset the lives of future retirees and create psychosocial difficulties.
The different conferences and themes are described as follows:
29 May 2017 — pensions in Luxembourg: practical information, led by Fernand Lepage, National Pension Insurance Fund (CNAP) at BGL BNP Paribas, 50, avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg, from 18:30.
June 12, 2017 — How do I prepare for retirement? Led by Liliane Charenzowski, psychologist specializing in retirement coaching (Brussels) att Auditorium of the Bank of Luxembourg, 14, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg from 18:30.
June 26, 2017 — A Thousand and One Ways of Living; Testimonials and Round Table at Auditorium of the Bank of Luxembourg, 14, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg from 18:30.
The conferences are in French and Luxembourgish with simultaneous translation of both languages is ensured. They are open to anyone interested in this subject.
Additional information can be obtained from the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region: (+352) 247-83696, or on the website: