As part of the “Rethink your Clothes” awareness campaign on the challenges of the textile sector, mandated by the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action Department of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Luxembourg Fairtrade NGO and the municipality of Larochette have signed an agreement to set up a permanent exhibition entitled "D'Textilindustrie vu Gëschter a vun Haut".
In order to be able to set up this exhibition, two other partners joined the project: Les amis du vieux Larochette (Friends of old Larochette) and Georges Ginter, owner of the industrial machines that had been used in the production of different fabrics in Larochette.
This exhibition pursues a double objective and will be divided into two distinct but intrinsically linked parts. The first part, located in the current Larochette textile museum, will highlight the industrial heritage of the town which was in the past one of the centres of textile production in Luxembourg. The second part will serve to raise awareness of the economic, social and environmental challenges of today's textile industry and will provide various solutions and alternatives for more responsible fashion consumption, with the focus on the Fairtrade certified cotton industry. This fun and interactive exhibition will be aimed at all audiences and will offer thematic and practical activities throughout the year.
Design and development work will begin in the coming weeks and an opening is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022.