Credit: CGDIS

The Grand Ducal Police and the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS) have reported that more than a dozen people were injured in a road accident in Pommerloch on Friday morning.

Shortly before 11:00 on Friday 12 July 2024, the emergency services received reports of an accident involving an RGTR bus and a lorry on Route de Basogne (N15) near Pommerloch.

For reasons yet to be clarified, the bus lost control in a roundabout and collided with a stationary lorry.

The emergency services arrived on the scene with several emergency vehicles (including ten ambulances) and three rescue helicopters. A total of fourteen people were injured in the accident, including two people who suffered more serious injuries.

The operations management centre (CGO) was activated to coordinate rescue operations and organise the dispatch of patients in hospitals across the country. The psychological support group was also mobilised to care for victims who had not suffered physical injuries. About 60 firefighters and medical personnel were mobilised.

On the orders of the public prosecutor's office, the police forensics team was commissioned to investigate the accident. The road remains closed for the duration of the rescue work.