The Grand Ducal Police has announced it will once again participate in the pan-European road safety campaign "Speed" set to take place from Monday 15 to Sunday 21 April 2024.
Organised by Roadpol, the network of road police across Europe, this campaign is part of the fight against excessive speed, the leading cause of road deaths in Europe and a triggering and aggravating factor in traffic accidents. Police checks will therefore focus specifically on the speed of motorists during this period.
Speedmarathon 2024
As part of the "Speed" campaign, the Grand Ducal Police will also participate in the 2024 edition of the "Speedmarathon" operation which will take place on Friday 19 April 2024. In this context, it will proceed for 24 hours (starting at midnight), and is set to organise multiple speed checks throughout the country’s territory, especially during rush hours.
The operation takes place at European level under the supervision of the European Roads Policing Network (Roadpol) and takes place jointly in many countries.
The “Speedmarathon” serves to raise awareness among the population of the dangers associated with speeding aiming to prevent road accidents. The operation will be widely covered on the Police's social networks (mainly on Twitter and Instagram, under the @policelux account, using the #speedmarathon), where information about the latest checks, prevention messages and photo reports will be available to Internet users.
The public can propose potential checks on 16 April 2024
In order to increase the possibilities for interaction and the scope of the awareness-raising action, Luxembourg citizens will have the opportunity to suggest locations and routes for potential checks on Tuesday 16 April 2024 via the police Instagram account @policelux. Depending on the availability of patrols, the controls will be integrated into the planning of the operation, the police noted.