L-R: Alex Michels, Creos Luxembourg; François Bausch, Deputy PM, Minister for Mobility & Public Works; Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission; Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy, Minister for Spatial Planning; Credit: MMTP

Monday 4 July 2022 marked the official inauguration of the first "SuperChargy" ultra-fast electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on Luxembourg's motorway network.

Luxembourg's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mobility and Public Works, François Bausch, and the Minister for Energy and Minister for Spatial Planning, Claude Turmes, in the presence of the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, and the Head of Asset Management of Creos Luxembourg, Alex Michels, inaugurated on Monday these first ultra-fast EV charging stations on the motorway network.

With the symbolic entry into service of the SuperChargy station at the Capellen service area and the parallel equipment installed in the service area in the opposite direction as well as in the two Berchem service areas, the Luxembourg motorway network can now cater to those travelling in a 100% electric car. On each of these sites, six SuperChargy ultra-fast charging stations, allowing charging speeds of up to 350 kW, are now operational.

Deputy Prime Minister François Bausch explained during the inauguration: "Luxembourg now complies with the minimum criteria of the obligation laid down for the [European Union] Member States to set up ultra-fast terminals at least every 60 km along the TEN-T [Trans-European Transport Network], as formulated by the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Deployment Regulation (AFIR) introduced as part of the 'Fit for 55' package and applicable by the end of 2025. Thus, residents of Benelux and Northern Europe will now be able to charge their electric vehicles thanks to the commissioning of these new charging stations at the Capellen and Berchem service areas when they go on holiday".

With recent initiatives by private players, who have opened ultra-fast charging sites near motorway interchanges, one can now find on average one ultra-fast charging station every 20 km, in both directions of traffic, on the TEN-T in Luxembourg.

Energy Minister Claude Turmes noted: "The commissioning of the SuperChargy ultra-fast charging stations corresponds to another important step towards a densification of the charging infrastructure throughout the national territory. I am particularly pleased that all public terminals in Luxembourg are supplied with 100% green electricity. Thus, the rise of electromobility not only helps us to get out of Europe's dependence on Russian fossil fuels, but also to fight against climate change".

Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans explained: "We are living through a mobility revolution. With green and renewable electricity, our goals of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and reducing our emissions by at least 55% by 2030 are possible without giving up mobility. With the agreement at the last Environment Council on zero-emission cars by 2035, we are already giving a very clear indication to the industry, ahead of the final negotiations with the European Parliament. 'Fit for 55' is an opportunity to transform our society in a sustainable way".

Alex Michels, Head of Asset Management of Creos Luxembourg, added: "After the completion of the 'Chargy' network in 2017 and the launch of the 'SuperChargy' network in 2020, it is with immense satisfaction that we are today inaugurating the first 'SuperChargy' charging stations at motorway service areas in Luxembourg. The success of 'Chargy' is well established: last year, in 2021, more than 3.5 million kWh were recharged at nearly 1,000 charging stations in the 'Chargy' network. And just for this year, the milestone of 3 million kWh has just been crossed in June".

A total of 88 ultra-fast charging stations will be spread over nineteen stations and service areas on the motorways and on the other main axes of Luxembourg. Provided by the grid operator, Creos, the installation of the SuperChargy terminals will extend throughout Luxembourg territory until 2023. The aim is to complete the offer of other public alternating current Chargy charging stations allowing charging speeds of up to 22 kW and allowing fast charging for long distance trips.