Microlux, Luxembourg's first microfinance institution (created in 2016), has announced that it is strengthening its support services for entrepreneurs with an e-learning module.
As part of its support services, microlux is launching an e-learning module dedicated to business creators. This is a series of nine short videos (in French) lasting two to three minutes each, which explain, using the examples of three entrepreneurs, Fred, Nejma and Honoré, the main stages of business creation. From the person-project coherence to the calculation of the break-even point, through market research, competition, definition of the offer and commercial strategy, the selling price, distribution and promotion methods, the calculation of the turnover and the provisional financing plan, this module approaches the key notions in order to make the creation of a company easier to understand.
After each video, a quiz is offered to check and anchor the knowledge acquired. At each stage, business creators also find at their disposal a downloadable toolbox which helps them to carry out their exercises to arrive at the end of the business plan of their future company.
This e-learning module was set up with the support of Adie (Association pour le droit à l’initiative économique) and the Banque de Luxembourg. It can be found in the "Accompagnement" section of the microlux website: https://www.microlux.lu/fr/accompagnement/e-learning-les-etapes-de-creation-dentreprise-en-videos/