The Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg has announced that it is holding an event on Thursday 13 October 2022 at the premises of Arcelor Mittal (24-26 Boulevard d'Avranches, L-1160 Luxembourg-ville) on the topic of "Evolving Geopolitics of Energy and its Impact".

The in-person conference starts at 18:00 and will involve energy experts from corporate and financial institutions as well as policy experts from the the Luxembourg government who will explore the subject in interaction with the audience.

18:20: Welcome
18:30: Keynote Address by Charge d’Affaires & Hon Acting Ambassador, Debasish Prusty
18:45: Speaker Presentations by Rajesh Saigal and Aditya Sharma
19:25: Panel Discussion moderated by Vijay Goyal 
20:00 - 20:45: Networking over snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.

Registration: Free for Members & Sponsors; €25 for Non-Members; €10 for Students (to be paid to IBCL account BGLLLULL, A/C No. LU03 0030 6733 4505 0000)