The Natur- & Geopark Mëllerdall (Mullerthal Nature and Geopark) has announced the organistion of the month of the orchard (Mount vum Bongert) from mid-September to mid-October with a series of activities around the meadow orchards.
The aim is to increase the use of orchard fruits and thus conserve orchards in the long term.
Mount Vum Bongert
The meadow orchards (“Bongerten” in Luxembourgish) are also characteristic elements of the Mullerthal Nature and Geopark region, in addition to breathtaking rocky landscapes and sites of great geological value. These are part of the cultural and natural heritage and mark the region in various ways. The quality fruits of the meadow orchards have always been used for a wide variety of purposes. Even today, local producers transform the fruits of the meadow orchards into delicious and typical products of the region of very high quality (apple juice, brandy, cider, etc.). For these reasons, the Mullerthal Nature and Geopark has decided in 2020 to organise the month of the orchard every year. This will take place this autumn from mid-September to mid-October, to discover the meadow-orchards of Mullerthal from the most diverse angles.
Culinary highlights
During the month of the orchard, several restaurants in the region will offer orchard menus. The particularity of these menus is that they are mainly prepared with regional fruits and refined fruit products. The orchard menus are offered in the restaurants Dimmer in Wallendorf-Pont (24.09 - 20.11), Gruber in Steinheim (20.09 - 11.10), Heringer Millen in Mullerthal (22.09 - 29.09), Aal Eechternoach (1.10 - 2.10 and 8.10 - 9.10) and Carli's Coffee (1.10 - 31.10) in Echternach.
With the aim of keeping tasty orchard fruit at home all year round, the Mullerthal Nature and Geopark is also organising a workshop on fruit preservation techniques on 22 September 2022 in Hemstal. Besides the theoretical contents on how to store fruits safely, the practical application will also be illustrated with some examples.
In order for the orchards in the Mullerthal region to be further exploited in the future, an online orchard platform www.kierfchen.lu will available from 17 October 2022. Suppliers and consumers around the meadow orchards will be connected there. The search for local producers who process fruit will also be simplified.
Harvest action
Those who do not own an apple tree but wish to help with the harvest, can take part in a picking action. As a reward, participants can take some of the picked apples.
For the whole family
Not only the Mullerthal Nature and Geopark itself, but also some of partners will offer activities around the meadow orchards.
The first weekend in October, Ramborn holds its annual Public Harvest. Activities for young and old are offered there; including a children's programme as well as the apple harvest followed by the pressing of apple juice themselves.
On 8 October 2022, families can also turn apples into compote and juice at the Luusshaff Community Garden in Schrondweiler.
In the region, various cider houses, distilleries, cider and créman producers as well as suppliers of jams and dried fruits transform a multitude of products around the meadow orchards. These are available at many local businesses.
During the traditional "Vizfester", visitors can taste fresh apple juice. In the municipality of Rosport-Mompach, there are a total of three Vizfester; 1 October in Rosport, 8 October in Steinheim and 21 October in Osweiler. In addition, on the second weekend of October, visitors can attend the Vizfest des Guiden a Scouten in Echternach. Homemade quetsche jam will also be available duting the quetsche festival on 8 and 9 October in Larochette.
The complete programme of month of the orchard is available online via: https://www.naturpark-mellerdall.lu/mount-vum-bongert-2022/.