Luxembourg's Ministry of Culture and the national institute for architectural heritage (Institut national pour le patrimoine architectural - INPA) have launched a call for projects from institutions, associations and organisations with a cultural vocation as well as municipalities and individuals to participate in the European Heritage Days 2024, which will take place from 27 September to 6 October 2024.
The European Heritage Days take place every year at the end of September throughout Europe with the particular aim of sparking interest in the cultural heritage and publicising the cultural richness and diversity of Europe. This year, the Days are placed under the common theme "Roads, networks and connections”. This theme highlights how European heritage has been influenced by the movement of people, ideas and objects throughout history, and how these factors continue to shape it even today.
Through this theme, the Days aim to raise awareness among a wide audience of routes, sites and links of all kinds, existing or to be created, which have impacted or which are currently impacting cultural, tourist, regional and landscape development linked to Luxembourgish cultural heritage. Various awareness-raising events and projects are possible, for example, walks and guided tours (buildings, historical sites, museum collections, etc.), as well as workshops or seminars, conferences, projects relating to new technologies, concerts or any other events linked to heritage. The European Heritage Days are a joint action of the Council of Europe and the European Union, and the call is also addressed to project leaders involved in heritage programmes of these two institutions, in particular the cultural routes of the Council of Europe.
Any public or private stakeholder can apply to participate in the European Heritage Days 2020 by submitting their project by 9 June 2024 on the website: www.journeesdupatrimoine.lu or via email: journeespatrimoine@inpa.etat.lu.