The Irish Club of Luxembourg (ICL) has announced that it is organising a Charity Walk on Sunday 13 October 2024.

As in previous years, the ICL is organising a walk with the aim of raising money for the homeless. The club tends to alternate the charity between an Irish one and a Luxembourgish one and this year's donations will go to Stëmm vun der Strooss.

Participants will undertake a circular route in Strassen, which is 8 km but quite flat; the organisers estimate it will take around 1.5 hours to complete. It is in the forest so could be muddy.

Participants will meet at 14:00 at the starting point: Fraïheetsbam, C.R. 181, Strassen. The location comes up in both Apple and Google maps, noted the organisers.

Afterwards, participants can get together for drinks and snacks in the car park/picnic area.

Donations can be paid into the ICL account LU08 0030 2513 4451 0000; the organisers propose €25 per adult participant. Last year's Charity Walk raised €940 for the Dublin Simon Community and the organisers are hoping to match or even surpass that sum this year.

Interested individuals are asked to send an email to the ICL Events and Membership secretary to confirm their participation: