On 25 July 2016, the shareholders of East West United Bank (EWUB) have appointed Didier Mouget as an independent director on the Board of Directors.
Mr Mouget holds a Masters degree in business and finance and is also a qualified chartered accountant. He has over 30 years professional experience, during this time he occupied various leadership positions in different member firms of the largest accounting network, PWC, in Luxembourg and abroad.
Furthermore, Didier Mouget served as an audit Partner of many banks, including the three largest Luxembourg banks, as well as numerous other global and European financial institutions.
During his career, Didier Mouget has been a member of several CSSF technical advisory committees, the HCPF (Haut Comité de la Place Financière) and the Board of Fedil (Fédération des Industriels Luxembourgeois). He also served as a member of PwC's International Network Global Board from 2005 to 2013.
Photo: Didier Mouget, member of the Board of Directors at EWUB