Credit: © Luxembourg Army

On Friday 6 September 2024, the Luxembourg Army held the 203rd solemn oath ceremony for recruits in Place J.F. Kennedy in Pétange.

The ceremony took place in the presence of Luxembourg Prime Minister Luc Frieden, Defence Minister Yuriko Backes, Colonel Pascal Ballinger, Deputy Chief of Defence, Lieutenant-Colonel Joël Faltz, Deputy Commander, Jean-Marie Halsdorf, Mayor of Pétange, and members of the Luxembourg Army.

During the ceremony, 33 volunteer soldiers having successfully completed their four-month basic training took the oath. They pledged to uphold the Constitution of Luxembourg, state laws and military regulations, as well as loyalty to the Grand Duke and the flag, in the performance of their military service.

The Luxembourg Army noted that this achievement marks the end of the volunteer soldiers' basic training but also the start of their military service within the army. The next steps are advanced individual training followed by specialised individual training, in order to best prepare them for their engagement within the various units, with the aim of creating "robust, more operational and available" troops.

In addition, 61 Luxembourg soldiers and ten foreign soldiers (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Netherlands) were awarded medals of recognition for missions abroad during the ceremony. Such medals are awarded by Grand Ducal decree on the proposal of the Minister of Defence to military personnel, or other persons of Luxembourg or foreign nationality, who have participated in a military mission. The Luxembourg Army described this distinction as an integral part of the military traditions of a nation. Three Luxembourg soldiers were awarded the European Union European Security and Defence Policy Service Medal.

The Luxembourg Army noted that Pétange was the first town to be liberated from German occupation by US troops on 9 September 1944. As part of the 80th anniversary of the liberation by the Allies, it is therefore no coincidence that Pétange was chosen as the host city for the solemn oath. This ceremony is an expression of the "esprit de corps" of the Luxembourg Army. Faithful to tradition, recipients received the "fourragère", symbolising the conversion of recruits into full-fledged soldiers. Furthermore, three soldiers were rewarded for "excellent" performances during their basic training, namely Alex Welter (1st ranked), Gwyneth Ten Raa (2nd ranked and best sportswoman) and Youn Czekanowicz (3rd ranked and best shooter).

"If we want to defend our citizens, our territory, our values ​​and our interests, we need a more credible defence. This means not only investments, but also additional women and men who put themselves at the service of defence. We need more robust and operational troops. Our recruits are an essential element of our success," stressed Yuriko Backes, Luxembourg's Minister of Defence.