On the afternoon of Saturday 29 June 2024, the High Commission for National Protection (HCPN), MeteoLux, the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS) and Luxembourg's Water Management Authority (AGE) reported that there was a high probability of thunderstorms with heavy rain and winds that same evening.

In the early afternoon, the CERI weather risk assessment unit met to assess the weather situation. At the time of writing, there was a high probability of thunderstorms on Saturday evening, accompanied by heavy rain and winds (up to 90-100km/h), which may cause local flash floods.

The authorities reported that, at this stage, there is still relative uncertainty as to the scale of the storms and the impact on the Grand Duchy.

They added that CERI continued to observe the evolution of the situation and would update the population in due course.

A yellow ("potential danger") weather alert is in place across the country from 20:00 on Saturday until 13:00 on Sunday (30 June). MeteoLux noted that this could still be upgraded to orange ("danger") later in the day.