The Luxembourg Army has reported that it celebrated this year's National Day with a military parade in Diekirch on Thursday 20 June 2024.
The event tooks place in Place Guillaume in Diekirch, in the presence of Luxembourg's Minister of Defence, Yuriko Backes, and the Chief of Defence, General Steve Thull.
The ceremony kicked off with speeches from Colonel Alain Schoeben, Commander of the Luxembourg Armed Forces, and Minister Backes.
A highlight during the military parade was the handover and resumption of the position of Army Corps Adjutant between Adjutant-Major Steve Ries and Adjutant-Major John Derneden. The Luxembourg Army flag was presented to the Chief of Defence by the former Army Adjutant, after which the Chief of Defence presented the flag to the new Army Adjutant. This solemn act symbolises the transition of responsibility between the army's warrant officers, who are the custodians of the army flag. The speech by Adjutant-Major Steve Ries, who is retiring after more than 39 years of service to the army, was described as "a moment rich in emotion" for members of the Luxembourg Army and the various spectators in Diekirch.
During the ceremony, 61 honorary distinctions were awarded, honouring the recipient members of the Luxembourg Army for their commitment. A rendition of the national anthem by the Luxembourg Military Band, under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Claude Braun, as well as a parade of troops and the motorised detachment under the orders of Colonel Alain Schoeben, closed the military ceremony.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate our country, our freedom and our army. An army which is called to transform itself, to become more robust and interoperable, to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. An army that will continue to make its contribution to deterrence and collective defence in these uncertain times. We will make the necessary investments. Together we will implement the plans," stated Minister Backes.