L-R: Michael O'Flaherty, Director of EU FRA; Sam Tanson, Luxembourg's Minister of Justice; Credit: MJUST

During his working visit to Luxembourg this week, Michael O'Flaherty, Director of the European Union (EU) Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) led a Fundamental Rights Dialogue and met with Luxembourg's Minister of Justice, Sam Tanson.

On Tuesday 23 February 2021, Michael O'Flaherty, an Irish human rights lawyer who has headed the Vienna-based FRA since 2015, took part in an online Fundamental Rights Dialogue, organised by the FRA and the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, which hosted Mr O'Flaherty for the occasion. This participatory dialogue addressed issues ranging from racism and discrimination to women's rights, access to education and healthcare, among others.

On Wednesday 24 February 2021, Michael O'Flaherty met with Luxembourg's Minister of Justice, Sam Tanson. In particular, they exchanged views on the rights of victims of crime, the monitoring and evaluation of the conditions of detainees in prisons in the EU, as well as raising awareness of the results of the investigation carried out by the FRA on the digitilisation of justice and in particular its recommendations on artificial intelligence (AI).

The EU FRA, which has existed since 2007, is responsible for protecting and promoting a culture of fundamental rights of citizens within the EU. It operates in complete independence, carries out analyses on behalf of EU Member States and makes policy recommendations aimed at combatting discrimination whether based on age, disability or ethnic origin, as well as against violations of fundamental rights, in particular the protection of personal data and access to justice.