The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) in Luxembourg has announced it will put on two performances of The It and Tuesday on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March 2024 at the Centre Culturel Altrimenti in Luxembourg-Hollerich.
The It by Vivienne Franzmann tells the story of a girl who has “IT” gradually growing inside her until one day it explodes out.
Tuesday by Alison Carr takes place on what looks like an ordinary Tuesday until the sky over a school opens up and suddenly things are no longer as they should be.
The performances, played by the Youth Theatre group, will take place on Saturday 23 March at 19:30 and on Sunday 24 March at 14:00.
Tickets cost €15 for adults, €12 for members and parents of the youth theatre group and €8 for students. Tickets can be ordered via email: tickets@nwtc.lu or tel.:356-339. More information is available at www.nwtc.lu.