The Choir of the University of Luxembourg will perform Mozart's masterpieces on 3 and 5 December 2021.
The resumption of concerts by the Choir of the University of Luxembourg will kick-off with a programme of uplifting music by Mozart. Thomas Gareau will conduct the concert accompanied by a small orchestra of experienced community musicians.
The concerts will be held at:
- 20:00 on Friday 3 December at Eglise du St. Esprit (125 Rue de Trèves, 2630 Luxembourg-Cents);
- 16:00 on Sunday 5 December at St. Peter & Paul Church (Rue de Luxembourg, 8079 Bertrange).
The hour-long concerts will take place as CovidCheck events.
These are charity fundraising concerts for the Aide au Benin association. For further information, contact the University Choir.