On Thursday 4 May 2023, Luxembourg's Prime Minister, Xavier Bettel, the Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Minister for Tourism, Lex Delles, and the official delegation visiting Vietnam on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries, continued their visit and laid wreaths at both the Monument of the Unknown Soldier in Hanoi and the Mausoleum at Place Ba Dinh in the city, where lies the embalmed body of Hô Chi Minh, founder of the Communist Party and symbol of the country's liberation and independence.
On to the Presidential Palace for a guided tour of the House on Stilts before proceeding to the Yellow House for the official welcome by the President of Vietnam, Phạm Minh Chính. They were welcomed with military honours, with both national anthems being played and Vietnamese schoolchildren waving flags of both countries. The two Prime Ministers inspected the Guard of Honour before the delegations were introduced.
On to the White House and an official photograph in the entrance hall of the Government House following introductions to a gallery of paintings, before proceeding to the Grand Hall for a working meeting focussing mainly on bilateral political, economic and financial relations, relations between Vietnam and the European Union as well as major international political issues. This involved a number of Vietnamese representatives, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, Nguyen Hong Dien, the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Minister of Education and Training, the Minister of Planning and Investment, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Information and Communication, as well as Pham Tan Cong, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam (VCCI), the Deputy Director of the Government Office of Vietnam and Nguyen Van Thao, the Ambassadeur of Vietnam to Belgium and Luxembourg.
Into the Ballroom for the signing of two memoranda of understanding between Vietnam and Luxembourg by Minister Delles and Vietnam's Minister of Finance, Nguyen Hong Dien. The two Prime Ministers (Xavier Bettel and Phạm Minh Chính) then delivered a press statements, in Vietnamese and French respectively, with simultaneaous translation available.
Vietnam's Prime Minister, Phạm Minh Chính, referenced the 50 years of support at the level of development cooperation and economic ties with- also sustainable development in- both countries. He referenced the crisis caused by the pandemic as well as the invasion of Ukraine by Russia which has resulted in worldwide inflation; he also addressed Vietnam’s trading partners, referencing both the EU and Japan. He stated that, in 2022, Vietnam’s GDP increased by 8%, and by another 6% so far this year, showing that their economy is recovering. For the future, he hopes to see increased exports of Vietnamese products as well as collaboration with other countries. He welcomed Luxembourg’s continued investment in Vietnam as well as in development cooperation. He also referenced the collaboration between the two countries’ stock exchanges, and also financing in the domain related to climate change. He also mentioned addressing the process of applying for visas, to simplify the process. He stressed that collaboration between the two countries has been reinforced by investment and economic collaboration. He also called for all countries to provide humanitarian support to Myanmar and its people. He wished Prime Minister Bettel well with the rest of his visit to Vietnam.
Prime Minister Bettel talked throughout with emphasis and referenced the visit of Vietnam’s Prime Minister and the official delegation to Luxembourg last December. He mentioned seeing some of the sights of Hanoi and tasting its cuisine, before referencing the 50 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries. He also addressed tacking climate change and green finance, and highlighted Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its subsequent consequences. He mentioned that 25 Luxembourg companies are active in Vietnam.
Lunch with former students from Vietnam
The official welcome over, Prime Minister Bettel and Minister Delles then left the palace and hosted a lunch, also involving the official delegation from Luxembourg, for a number of Vietnames nationals who had studied in the Grand Duchy (also Bui Thi Mai Hiên, representative of Lux-Dev in Vietnam):
- Quang Nguyen Nhat studied in Luxembourg from 2012-2013 and 2017-2019 at the Brookins Business Institute - University of Applied Sciences (BBI-UAS). Talking with Luxembourg journalists, he stated that he knew nothing about Luxembourg before he came: his first impressions of Luxembourg were that people were kind and honest and the country had impressive castles. He described the curriculum as "very good", covering the area of hospitality in which he was interested and helping him adapt to being exposed to different cultures. In his internship, he learnt how European hotels apply 5-star standards. He brought back this knowledge to apply in Vietnam.
- Anh Pham Thi Nguyet studied in Luxembourg from 2010-2011 at the Lycée Technique Hôtelier Alexis Heck. She said that she learnt a lot including about hygiene standards. She also made friends in Luxembourg with whom she keeps in contact. Her experience was that she was on a "Train the Trainer" course and has brought back the knowledge she gained back to Vietnam to train others.
- Tu Le Thi Ngoc was an intern in 2018 at the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg. She explained that she works with Luxembourg Development Cooperation and, with the support of the Luxembourg government, there have been improvements in hospitality and tourism development and other areas. Vietnam established a hospitality school based on the Luxembourgish model. She stressed that Luxembourg has put a footprint on the Vietnamese market. She also mentioned the collaboration lasting around 20 years with what is now now called the House of Training. The training provided helps the Central Bank if Vietnam design new products for the Vietnamese people. She appreciated the high-quality expertise provided by Luxembourg.
Also present was Thuy Hoang Le Bic, who studied in Luxembourg from 2009-2010 at the Lycée Technique Hôtelier Alexis Heck.
Luxembourg's development cooperation programmes in Vietnam between 1993 and 2020, in particular support for the tourism and hotel sector and later for the financial and banking sector, were accompanied by training and scholarships. As a result, a total of 178 Vietnamese students attended training courses in this field in Diekirch between 2001 and 2015 at the Ecole d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg. In the banking and financial sector, the figures are even more significant with nearly 3,000 employees of the Central Bank of Vietnam and private banks of Vietnam who have been trained by ATTF/House of Training over a period of 20 years. In addition, there are also some 1,000 employees of the State Securities Commission (regulator), the National Financial Supervisory Committee, as well as the main managers of financial assets and investment funds who have undertaken training as part of LuxDev in Vietnam. Some have benefited from study visits or internships in Luxembourg.
The restaurant, KOTO (Know One, Teach One), is an Australian-based non-profit social enterprise that empowers at-risk and disadvantaged youth in Vietnam through hospitality training programmes for 20 years. Many dignitaries have visited the restaurant including former US President Bill Clinton, former Australian Prime Minister Julie Guillard and Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. The restaurant once occupied the four floors of the current building, but the pandemic and the absence of tourists and public aid for nearly two years has dealt a severe blow to the restaurant as to the entire sector in Vietnam. KOTO now only occupies the ground floor.
Temple of Literature, Fine Arts Museum
After the lunch, Prime Minister Bettel and Minister Delles, along with the official delegation, had a guided tour of the Văn Miếu Temple of Literature, a rare example of well-preserved traditional Vietnamese architecture which also offers a rich and diverse look at the history and culture of Vietnam since the 10th century (this is also where many students choose to have their graduation photographs taken). They also had a guided tour of the Fine Arts Museum of Vietnam (built in 1937 and inaugurated in 1963) which is dedicated to the art of painting on silk and lacquer from Vietnam as well as Vietnamese painting from the 20th century until the 1970s. Both Prime Ministers beat the large ceremonial drum and Prime Minister Bettel was presented with gifts.
They also had a guided tour of the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum, following which Vietnam's Prime Minister, Phạm Minh Chính, made another presentation to both Prime Minister Bettel and Minister Delles.
National Assembly, Presidential Palace
Next stop on this busy schedule was the National Assembly where Prime Minister Bettel and the Luxembourgish delegation were welcomed by the President of the National Assembly, Vuong Dinh Huê, before an official photograph was taken and a working meeting took place.
The last official function of the day was at the Government House in the Presidential Palace where a banquet was held - hosted by Vietnamese Prime Minister, Phạm Minh Chín - to celebrate the 50h anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Luxembourg. After the official group photograph, both Prime Ministers gave speeches followed by toasts.
After the official banquet, the entire Luxembourg delegation, having earlier checked out of its hotel, then took a transfer to the airport to catch an evening flight to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) and check in at a hotel there. At Ho Chi Minh airport, they were also greeted by a red carpet, with Olivier Do Ngoc, Luxembourg's Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, welcoming them.
Press Conference
Prime Minister Bettel gave a press conference to Luxembourg journalists between engagements, with a number of issues being raised, including the news that, following extensive representation, the airport at Ho Chi Minh City can now support Cargolux planes, so the cargo company will now be able to fly into both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City which will make Vietnamese exports easier to undertake. This issue of visas for people from Luxembourg visiting Vietnam has again been raised through diplomatic channels. From the Vietnam side, they have asked for Luxembourg's support regarding world sea navigation as well as the "Carte Jaune" for Vietnamese fish exports to Europe: the Prime Minister stated that the EU has researched these issues and has stated that working conditions for fishermen needs to be improved to meet EU standards. Other points raised included the development of a fund for intelligent agriculture, particularly regarding women. Also mentioned was financial cooperation, including with the stock exchanges of both countries, also addressing banking and financial services, plus a City Climate Finance Fund for which Luxembourg would receive €5 million.