Credit: USP - Police Grand-Ducale

Luxembourg's Ministry of Internal Security has confirmed that the Special Police Unit (Unité spéciale de la police - USP) of the Grand Ducal Police recently took part in a Belgian operation against organised crime.

On Tuesday 9 March 2021, more than 200 searches were carried out in Belgium as part of an action of exceptional magnitude targeting a criminal organisation suspected of providing encrypted phones to the criminal community.

At the request of Belgium's Minister of the Interior, Annelies Verlinden, and the Directorate of Special Units of the Belgian Federal Police, the USP of the Grand Ducal Police took part in this judicial operation (Sky ECC) coordinated on the international scale.

Henri Kox, Luxembourg's Minister of Internal Security, was "delighted that the Grand Ducal police were able to support this large-scale operation". He added: "Cooperation with our Belgian colleagues has always been exemplary, it was clear for us [that we would] take part following their request".

In line with the visits already made by the Internal Security Minister to the various services and units of the Grand Ducal Police, Minister Henri Kox is considering a visit to the USP, during which he will congratulate the members of the USP for their participation in this exceptional action.