Daniela Clara Moraru, Director of Languages.lu and "ambassador of the Luxembourgish language", is addressing a conference at the Cercle Munster in Luxembourg-Grund on Tuesday 13 June 2017 at 19:00.
The conference is entitled "365 days to learn Luxembourgish, challenges and available tools" and will be delivered in English. It takes place in the context of the new legislation regarding nationality, which now allows residents who have been living here for 20 years in the country to get Luxembourgish nationality without taking a language exam; instead, they have to show that they have followed a minimum 24 hours of Luxembourgish language courses.
Mrs. Moraru is founder of the language school Languages.lu which provides tailor-made courses for companies and individuals, as well as for children part-time and total immersion camps during all school holidays.
She has conceived and published four innovative pedagogical materials: the "100 expressions you need to master in Luxembourgish" flash cards, the "Wie sinn ech? Who am I?" game, the "365 days to learn Luxembourgish" desk calendar and the "Déi bescht Lëtzebuerger Spréch" cards. These resources can be found at Aral gas stations, Auchan, Ernster book stores, K Kiosks, La Bacanie, Librairie Belair, Luxembourg House, P+B (Press + Books), and more.
To attend this special evening dedicated to the Luxembourgish language, the cost is €50, which includes the conference, a cocktail and a 3-course dinner. For reservations, email: reservation@munster.lu or tel: 470643-1