Electric Car not plugged in to charging station; Credit: John Chalmers

Over the course of the last few decades, there has been an increasing realisation that we, humankind, need to re-evaluate (I'm putting this kindly!) our impact on the fragile environment that surrounds us.

As a part of this re-evaluation, many countries have actively pursued a shift towards mobility solutions that are less polluting, at least at the point of consumption (something we will explore in the weeks and months to come). While, to many, investment in clean energy public transport solutions provides the most effective response to these mobility solutions, there has to be a recognition that people are not going to give up their private vehicle transport any time soon, and the emphasis has increasingly fallen upon the promotion of electric vehicles (EVs) as a means by which to reduce greenhouse emissions as we go about our daily lives.

As a person who has been exclusively running electric cars for over three years, and who has been involved in some way in the EV/hybrid world for the last decade, I have felt for some time that while there are already advantages to driving electric, there are also a number of things that can be done, particularly at legislative, infrastructure and enforcement levels, to enable the integration of electric cars into significantly more peoples' lives.

I also believe that there is very little community led influence, at least in Luxembourg, on the way in which the EV landscape is evolving, and I hope that with the opinion pieces that I will be producing regularly over the coming months, we can start to redress this imbalance and perhaps make a genuine contribution to shaping the electric world of tomorrow.

Quite simply put, the mission of the articles that I will be producing over the next few months is to focus discussion on the important issues in the world of electric motoring in Luxembourg. What I write will either be fact, personal opinion or, most important, YOUR opinion. Are you thinking about taking on an electric car for the first time and have important questions? Are you already an electric car driver who has observations about how small changes could make a big difference to your EV experience? Is there something that makes you foam at the mouth whenever you see it (for me this is non-rechargeable vehicles parking in charging spaces, and, the ultimate sin, EVs parked in recharge spaces but NOT RECHARGING!). Whatever it is, the articles I produce, and the people I talk to, will be guided as far as possible by your opinions and your questions. You can reach me on john@gmedia.lu.

Together we can help make tomorrow's Luxembourg EV environment a better place to be in ... letz campaign!