Created almost a decade ago, the ING Solidarity Awards have now become a major event in the Luxembourg non-profit scene.

ING, long-standing partner of UNICEF

Long before the rise of the ING Solidarity Awards, ING was already a strong partner of its chosen non-profit organisation: UNICEF. Several times a year, the bank organises festive events and initiatives that raise money for UNICEF’s various projects. Whether it’s the annual Run for Youth, (which last June brought together 110 runners who sweated for UNICEF) or setting up an express shop where all profits go to UNICEF, or even renovating the association's headquarters, ING has been and is a strong partner, year after year.

Going further: the birth of a project

Although its partnership with UNICEF has allowed and still allows ING to work with and support non-profits, this did not seem enough. Indeed, many local charities working in humanitarian aid, integration and inclusion came knocking on ING's door every month to request sponsorship in one way or another. "It was so difficult to choose!” said Stéphanie Moulin, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at ING. “Why choose one charity over another one? Why is one project better than another?" And finally, out of this sense of frustration, the idea of the Solidarity Awards was born eight years ago, with the aim of creating a competition open to all local associations and to reward non-profits and charitable projects. And the rest, as they say, is history!

Empowering the non-profit scene in Luxembourg

There is still time to submit your project! If you are a non-profit established in Luxembourg, you can apply to be part of the next harvest of non-profits rewarded with prizes ranging from €1,000 to €4,000.

This year, the jury will choose 18 projects from three distinct categories: humanitarian aid (focusing on improving people's quality of life), integration (focusing on inclusion), and others (charitable projects working for the greater good in areas other than humanitarian aid or integration). The jury also reserves the right to give out additional prizes, including a "jury's crush" for special projects.

As of now, interested associations can easily submit their projects on ING Luxembourg’s website:

For eight years now, ING has been supporting, encouraging and rewarding local associations. It will be a joyful and fun night on 21 November 2019 at 19:00 when ING will host the winners at ING Lux House and give away eighteen prizes!