There is one other thing that really makes us stand out and is much more difficult to copy: the Orange Code. The Orange Code is the manifesto that describes who we are and how we work. ING's operations touch many lives: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and society at large. Balancing the rights and interests of all involved is crucial to our ongoing viability. To act in ways that can stand the test of time; to live up to the values we hold as true. By being explicit about our values, we tell the world this is how you can expect us to behave.
Secondly, the ING Behaviours, our way of being that makes us different from the rest. The commitments we make to each other every day:
2.You help others to be successful.
3.You are always a step ahead.
ING’s distinctive culture is based on the Orange Code. It allows us to be entrepreneurial, open, collaborative, dynamic and energetic. Not only on paper, mind you. The Orange Code is supported by a compliments tool, kudos, that allows employees to give each other compliments based on the ING Behaviours. Since its launch in mid-2016, more than 200,000 compliments have been given. Kudos was named “Innovation of the Year” at the Digital Communication Awards in 2017.